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You Are What You Believe

You Are What You Believe

When a baby elephant is born, it quickly learns to walk and baby elephants have a tendency to wander off. So one the tricks its owner use it to tie one of its front legs to an iron chain. The

Posted in Blog, Inspirational, Leadership, Motivation

Personal And Organization’s Goals, Should You Align them?


For some of us startups, who are fascinated by the Google success story, the importance of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in strategically aligning the company’s goals with its employees is imperative. In OKR, employees are asked to draft their

Posted in Blog, Freshers, Motivation

Generalists Or Specialists: Who Are More Successful?

Generalists Or Specialists

There are two approaches to being successful as a professional and adding value to an organization. First is becoming a Generalist who can wear multiple hats and perform in different roles at the same time. These people have a mixed

Posted in Blog, Motivation

Did You Know Software Developer is an Artist.

Art Of SoftwareDevelopment

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free– Michelangelo This famous quote from the great renaissance painter is the prime directive for all artists, painters, sculptors and software developers. Yes, you read it correct

Posted in Blog, Employability, Entrepreneurship, Freshers, Motivation

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